The Henry Moore Foundation: CPD Outing

Bickerdike Allen Partners LLP visited the Henry Moore Foundation on the 19th July 2017 for our Summer CPD. Gianluca Rendina, the project architect for Hugh Broughton, very kindly gave a presentation on design and key concepts behind their new Visitor’s Centre, ensuring that the architecture fitted seamlessly not only into the surroundings but also with Moore’s aesthetic legacy.

The visit also included Hoglands House, Henry Moore’s home, the grounds, studios and the current exhibition, Becoming Henry Moore (running until 22nd October 2017).


The Henry Moore Foundation: CPD Outing

Bickerdike Allen Partners LLP visited the Henry Moore Foundation on the 19th July 2017 for our Summer CPD. Gianluca Rendina, the project architect for Hugh Broughton, very kindly gave a presentation on design and key concepts behind their new Visitor’s Centre, ensuring that the architecture fitted seamlessly not only into the surroundings but also with Moore’s aesthetic legacy.

The visit also included Hoglands House, Henry Moore’s home, the grounds, studios and the current exhibition, Becoming Henry Moore (running until 22nd October 2017).

Bickerdike Allen Partners
121 Salusbury Road
London NW6 6RG
T 020 7625 4411